Friday, March 13, 2015

Little Miracles

Every day I am blessed with being around my pre-school students.  Every day, I am present to little miracles~ little angels so fresh from God~

Things happen every moment that make me smile~

"Ms. Annie, I have a new song to sing to you! I just made it up", smiles one little girl as she proceeds to sing a totally improvised song that is a mash-up of the songs I have taught our class!   I love that the music I share with my students is inspiring to them!

"Wook, Ms. Annie, Wook! I see a bird!", a little boy excitedly announces. he can't pronounce the letter, "L" yet, which makes everything he says sound extra cute!  When his friend  was crying because he bumped into something, he gave him a hug and said, "I'm going to make you a present! I'm going to make you an awwigator!"

"Ice Cream for sale!" (said while riding tricycles on a little path around our play-yard) "How much is it?", I ask. "It costs no money!" I am told, as I am handed a chocolate cone with sprinkes, from 2 tricycle riding ice cream sellers.

One sweet little boy~ So cute. Small, baby face, hardly speaks.  Just learning to play with other friends.  He used to play alone. He always wants to have me lift him up to play basketball and slam dunk the ball into the "Little Tykes" basketball hoop. He loves the bowling set!  I sometimes have to figure out what he is saying by trial and error for a few minutes, but eventually, I understand what he is saying.
And then he smiles! (and so do I!)

I am so lucky to work in the class where my little 4 year old daughter attends.  I get to see her run and play with her friends every day!  Her happy little squeals and make believe games that she plays with her friends are so cute.  Sometimes she pretends to be a kitten with some of her friends. they crawl around mew-ing. The play structure with the slide has a little space below for a club house that the kittens live in. On top of the play structure there are two slides, and a platform, that becomes a ship every day.

Our little friends play pirates as they steer the ship away from the sharks in the water below! Sometimes, my little girl plays in the play house, pretending it's a cafe. I always come up to the window and order a hot chocolate or a latte! With a cupcake, of course, as my daughter has offered.
This, by the way, is a game we play at any given park with a play structure that resembles a house. My little one rallies other kids to work in the cafe with her! I guess my Starbucks habit has rubbed off.

Hide and seek is a game I play daily."Ms. Annie! Will you play hide and seek with me?" ask any one of my little students on any day of the week. How can I say no? It doesn't matter if I hide behind a tree trunk that clearly cannot cover me. I know I am totally able to be seen!  It doesn't matter. It's the fun of the game that counts. As the "seeker" gets closer and closer, they finally see me ,and excitedly announce, "I found you!".  I am always amazed that they love this game so much. Everyday!

And let me not forget to mention how much I love to see them playing in the dirt!  And at the water table! This is SO important!!!  Sensory activities like this are SO necessary for young children!  This is how they process information and make brain connections that will serve them well for the challenging academic life that lies ahead. Human beings NEED this.  I am not really that impressed when a parent of a preschooler tells me their child can read, or count to 100, or is able to work a device.  It tells me mostly that the parent isn't aware of the most important thing a child needs to be doing.  PLAY! MESSY SENSORY ACTIVITIES! DIRT! PLAYDOUGH! OOBLECK!  (yes, that weird stuff made with cornstarch and water.)

Please, oh please, check out the article below on the value of sensory play!

Our preschool class plays outside everyday.  Total time spent playing is approximately 1 hour and 45 minutes. I delight in watching them use their imaginations to play and become anything they want to be.

I'm promising myself that I am going to record more of these playful and magical moments. I want to remember them. Each of these precious moments become warm memories that my heart will hold onto forever.