Thursday, February 23, 2012

Musical Fun!

I am excited about another day of teaching music tomorrow! I am going to be leading a group of toddlers and their moms, dads, grammas grampas, nannies...whoever their grown up people happen to be!
I get as much joy out of sharing music with them as they do!
Music is fun and a great way for young children to have fun while learning.  Music stimulates all areas of the brain creating pathways for learning in all modalities. Oh...and their grown-ups get a lot out of it too!


  1. I'm excited to be your first official follower. I've always loved the quote from Helen Keller as well, ever since I read her autobiography when I was in 3rd grade!

  2. Hi Annie, (Shelly "H" here, your ole ND friend)
    I am not sure if you know it or not, but we have thoroughly enjoyed music in our household.... Both boys (now 15/Freshman & 18/Senior)are involved in music. They each started off with piano when quite young, but did not stay with it. Then our oldest began on the bassoon in 6th grate, and our youngest began on trumpet in 6th) The trumpet player switched to French Horn in 8th. Anyway, they are both in the Evergreen Symphony Orchestra, which consists of @ 3 high schools; and they have it for a class at their own high school. (I play piano -probably as well as a 3rd grader! :) Just thought I would pop over and see what you are up to here!
